Entering or editing the title or description of a rung

How to enter a title and/or a description of an existing rung or how to edit the existing texts:

  1. Position the mouse pointer onto the rung for which you want to enter or edit the title or the description.
    By default, no additional title is entered/visible. If the rung contains no description yet, an input field with the text [Comment] becomes visible.

  2. Perform the following steps in order to enter or edit the title for the rung:

    1. Double-click an empty area of the rung.
      Result: An input field beside the name of the rung is opened.

    2. Enter the new title. Or delete the existing title, if you do not need any.

    3. Press the Enter-key so that the new title is accepted. Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard the new title.

  3. Perform the following steps in order to enter or edit the description for the rung:

    1. Double-click the field with the description.

    2. Enter the new description. Or delete the existing description, if you do not need any.

    3. Press the Enter-key so that the new description is accepted. Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard the new description.